We thank God for continuing to guide our church!

COVID-19 Related Update
We invite people to wear masks if they feel more comfortable doing so. High-touch areas are sanitized often.

Illinois Conference News

Rev. Molly Carlson resigns as Conference Minister effective July 31st.

Acting Conference Minister will be Rev. Dr. Terrill Murff effective August 1st! 

Online Giving (powered by Tithe.ly)

Click the button below to make a contribution to Mont Clare UCC!

Weekly Events

Sunday School

Explore the bible at Sunday School in person or on Zoom at 9:15am CDT.

Worship Service

Join us for Worship in person, or catch our livestream on Zoom and Facebook Live every Sunday at 11am CDT!

Prayer Meeting

Join others in prayer on Zoom on Fridays at 6pm CDT.

Where there is no vision, the people perish

   Proverbs 29:18

6935 W. Medill Ave.

Chicago, IL 60707

(773) 417-8574